Susanna Patras Photography - Art for Healing
Susanna Patras Photography - Art for Healing

Born in Romania, and American by adoption, Susanna Patras' photographic style is inspired by minimalism and American modernism, but filtered through poetry and storytelling.

With a background in literature and multimedia design, Susanna Patras' images can relate to poetry, in particular, haiku, because photography can operate with the same distillation of vocabulary.

Photography is a metaphor for “light”, which becomes a symbol of ultimate power and strength and a tool for understanding the unseen levels of reality and the connections between all things.

In her artwork, Susanna explores the play between light and shadows, which can hide or reveal, inspired by the energy of the four elements, earth, water, wind and fire resulting sometimes in vivid colors, other times in subdued monochromatic tones.

Whether she is focusing on the poetry and simplicity of the sand dunes, the abstraction of a constructed space, or the beauty and mood of a natural scene that transports the viewer to a distant land, mysterious and exciting, Susanna Patras's images reveal a world of quiet introspection, balance and mindfulness. She believes that nature must be protected to allow ourselves to experience not only its beauty, but also its capacity for healing and revitalization.

Susanna Patras is an award-winning photographer and a member of the American Photographic Artists (APA), Visual Artists' Union in Romania (UAPR-Iasi), and an associate member of the Manhattan Arts International in New York. Her photographs have been published in Landscape Photography Magazine, Dodho Magazine, Light, A Journal of Photography and Poetry, Daily Mail Newspaper, and others.

"Susanna Patras imbues her breathtaking ethereal nature photography with a poetic elegance and mesmerizing spatial depth..." Renee Phillips, Founder, Director and Curator of Manhattan Arts International, New York, USA

…”Susanna Patras’ works invite the viewer to a prolonged visual dialogue during which the details of the scenes and balanced compositions gradually unfold conveying emotions and a sense of calm specific to modern contemplative fine art photography”. (Horea Costin Chiriac, Art Critic, Romania)


Nascuta in Romania, dar stabilita in timpul studentiei in America, stilul fotografic al Susannei Patras Pastragus este influentat atit de modernismul American, cit si de minimalism, trecut prin filtrul poeziei si al filmului noir.

Avand pregatire universitara in domeniile literaturii engleze, design-ului multimedia si fotografiei, imaginile Susannei Patras Pastragus duc cu gandul la poezie, in special haiku, pentru ca fotografia poate opera cu aceeasi distilare a vocabularului ca si poezia. Fotografia este o metafora a “luminii”, dar si un simbol al puterii absolute, un instrument de intelegere a realitatii, a conexiunilor dintre lucruri.

In lucrarile sale, Susanna Patras explorează jocul dintre lumini si umbre care pot ascunde sau dezvalui, bazat pe cele patru elemente, pamint, apa, foc si vant, ducind uneori la crearea unor imagini in culori vii, alteori monocromatice.

Indiferent daca accentul vizual cade pe poezia si simplitatea grafica a dunelor de nisip, pe formele abstracte ale spatiului construit, sau pe frumusetea aproape ireala a naturii care transporta privitorul cu gandul la un taram distant, misterios, plin de aventuri, imaginile Susannei Patras Pastragus reprezinta o lume de introspectie interiorizata, echilibrata si meditativa. Artista este convinsa ca natura trebuie protejata, pentru a permite tuturor sa se bucure nu numai de frumusetea ei, ci si de capacitatea acesteia de vindecare si revitalizare.

Susanna Patras Pastragus este castigatoare a mai multor premii internationale, si este memebra a UAPR-Iasi, American Photograpjic Artists din San Francisco, si membru asociat al Manhattan Arts International din New York. Fotografiile sale au fost publicate in Landscape Photography Magazine (Marea Britanie), Dodho Magazine (Spania), Light, A journal pf Photography and Poetry (Statele Unite), Daily Mail Newspaper (Marea Britanie), si altele.

Born in Romania, and American by adoption, Susanna Patras' photographic style is inspired by minimalism and American modernism, but filtered through poetry and storytelling.

With a background in literature and multimedia design, Susanna Patras' images can relate to poetry, in particular, haiku, because photography can operate with the same distillation of vocabulary. 

Photography is a metaphor for “light”, which becomes a symbol of ultimate power and strength and a tool for understanding the unseen levels of reality and the connections between all things.

In her artwork, Susanna explores the play between light and shadows, which can hide or reveal, inspired by the energy of the four elements, earth, water, wind and fire resulting sometimes in vivid colors, other times in subdued monochromatic tones.

Whether she is focusing on the poetry and simplicity of the sand dunes, the abstraction of a constructed space, or the beauty and mood of a natural scene that transports the viewer to a distant land, mysterious and exciting, Susanna Patras's images reveal a world of quiet introspection, balance and mindfulness. She believes that nature must be protected to allow ourselves to experience not only its beauty, but also its capacity for healing and revitalization.

Susanna Patras is an award-winning photographer and a member of the American Photographic Artists (APA), Visual Artists' Union in Romania (UAPR-Iasi), and an associate member of the Manhattan Arts International in New York. Her photographs have been published in Landscape Photography Magazine, Dodho Magazine, Light, A Journal of Photography and Poetry, Daily Mail Newspaper, and others.

"Susanna Patras imbues her breathtaking ethereal nature photography with a poetic elegance and mesmerizing spatial depth..." Renee Phillips, Founder, Director and Curator of Manhattan Arts International, New York, USA

…”Susanna Patras’ works invite the viewer to a prolonged visual dialogue during which the details of the scenes and balanced compositions gradually unfold conveying emotions and a sense of calm specific to modern contemplative fine art photography”. (Horea Costin Chiriac, Art Critic, Romania)


Nascuta in Romania, dar stabilita in timpul studentiei in America, stilul fotografic al Susannei Patras Pastragus este influentat atit de modernismul American, cit si de minimalism, trecut prin filtrul poeziei si al filmului noir.

Avand pregatire universitara in domeniile literaturii engleze, design-ului multimedia si fotografiei, imaginile Susannei Patras Pastragus duc cu gandul la poezie, in special haiku, pentru ca fotografia poate opera cu aceeasi distilare a vocabularului ca si poezia. Fotografia este o metafora a “luminii”, dar si un simbol al puterii absolute, un instrument de intelegere a realitatii, a conexiunilor dintre lucruri.

In lucrarile sale, Susanna Patras explorează jocul dintre lumini si umbre care pot ascunde sau dezvalui, bazat pe cele patru elemente, pamint, apa, foc si vant, ducind uneori la crearea unor imagini in culori vii, alteori monocromatice. 

Indiferent daca accentul vizual cade pe poezia si simplitatea grafica a dunelor de nisip, pe formele abstracte ale spatiului construit, sau pe frumusetea aproape ireala a naturii care transporta privitorul cu gandul la un taram distant, misterios, plin de aventuri, imaginile Susannei Patras Pastragus reprezinta o lume de introspectie interiorizata, echilibrata si meditativa. Artista este convinsa ca natura trebuie protejata, pentru a permite tuturor sa se bucure nu numai de frumusetea ei, ci si de capacitatea acesteia de vindecare si revitalizare.

Susanna Patras Pastragus este castigatoare a mai multor premii internationale, si este memebra a UAPR-Iasi, American Photograpjic Artists din San Francisco, si membru asociat al Manhattan Arts International din New York. Fotografiile sale au fost publicate in Landscape Photography Magazine (Marea Britanie), Dodho Magazine (Spania), Light, A journal pf Photography and Poetry (Statele Unite), Daily Mail Newspaper (Marea Britanie), si altele.